Thursday, January 19, 2012

All Aboard... almost!

Transporting our large group has never become more important than now because of the very positive response we have been getting as we share the message of Christ through music. As some have become aware we are in the process of upgrading our busses to newer more reliable and economical models. We have found two identical coaches that we feel will meet our needs for the next 15 years and the price is very low for the condition and mileage of the buses.
Prior to finding these buses we thought that we would have to raise $2,500 per seat for suitable busses but with this recent find we are calculating the price at only $1,500 per seat. The bus chart on our website will show you our fundraising progress to date. 
Special thanks to the staff and students who have committed to personally raise funds for several of the 114 seats that we need. We also want to thank, in advance, all those who have or will contribute to this very important need.
With only $40,000 left to raise for the second bus we have just received $20,000 in matching fund pledges! This means that donations made before our deadline of Friday, January 27 can go twice as far. One person has already taken advantage of this opportunity so we now have just $18,500 left to raise in the next 10 days. Please help us make this dream come true and make your donation by January 27.
If you would like to support us with your donation, please visit our Bus Fundraising Page for details.

Thank you!
The staff and students of Fountainview Academy

Bus #1 parked outside the school building


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