Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sophomore Health Assignment Completed

Health in English class? Recently, the sophomore class completed an English 10 assignment entitled 18 Days of Health and Fitness. For 18 days, they ate healthy food, got plenty of exercise, drank plenty of water, and got enough sunlight, fresh air, and sleep. The assignment included watching various health and fitness documentaries as well as keeping a daily journal of their own research and experiences. Terminating in a three-page composition regarding their findings, this assignment reminded the students how important health and fitness really is. These were the requirements:

  • Nutrition: A total vegan diet with as much raw food as possible. NO refined sugar, NO junk food and NO fried foods.
  • Exercise: At least two 15 minute workouts per day.
  • Water: Your weight in pounds divided by two = the minimum number of ounces you need to drink per day. (For example, if you weigh 100 pounds, then you need to drink 50 ounces of water per day. That is at least 6.25 cups of water.)
  • Sunlight: Get plenty of sunlight and eat as many meals outside as you can.
  • Temperance: Self-control!
  • Air: We will aim to get outside every day to breathe fresh air.
  • Rest: 8 hours or more of sleep per night. You should be in bed sleeping by 10:00 P.M.
  • Trust in Divine Power: Meaningful daily devotions.

Stepping outside behind the English classroom, you may be surprised to find the sophomores out on the grassy lawn, acting like ladybugs that have been flipped over on their backs doing crunches. Or maybe they look like baby birds that are struggling to take off in their first flight as they do arm circles and calf-raises. For the last 18 days, we've been learning more about what it was like for Daniel when he was faced with the king's table. We've been carefully choosing what we eat, and making sure we're drinking plenty of water. In addition, we've been in the warm sunshine, getting fresh air, learning more about our bodies and what's good for them, and learning to trust God even more. By participating in this assignment, we've also been an encouragement to others here on campus, and even to those at home, by encouraging them to try out a healthier diet and an energetic exercise program for themselves. We’ve been reminded that we are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we're all excited to lead healthier lives for our Heavenly Father.
-Lauren J. (Grade 10)


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